The human body is a marvelous creation. From the top of the head to the tip of the toes, the body of a human being holds many wonders. Every part of the human body has its own purposes and works in many ways. Every organ and body part works together and functions harmoniously with one another in order to protect the human body from injuries and diseases. While each aspect of the body has its own special purpose that helps in keeping the person healthy, one of the most important components is the blood. Without blood, no human being can ever survive. Blood is a type of fluid in the body that carries various substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and different parts of the body. Not only that but blood also takes away metabolic wasted products away from human cells in order to cleanse the body. There are many components that are looked into when it comes to blood, but among the most basic ones is the blood type.

Not every person has the same blood type. It may differ depending on the blood types of the person’s parents among other reasons; after all, life starts when the mother gives birth to the baby. While this may only be seen as scientific, the blood type of a person holds more importance in certain areas in the world such as Japan. Actually, asking for the blood type of a person is typical in the Land of the Sun. There are even books and guides as to basic information about blood types and what it means to a person. The Japanese believe that each blood type corresponds with certain personality traits that could help them gauge what kind of a person is.
Experiments on Blood Types in Japan Since the 1920s
The idea that there is a correlation between blood type and personality was first introduced in Japan by Dr. Kimata Hara in the year 1916 by writing a paper about it. However, the theory did not gain popularity until the year 1927 when Takeji Furukawa wrote his paper entitled “The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type” that was published in the scholarly journal Psychological Research. A professor at Tokyo Women’s Teacher’s School, Furukawa lacked credentials and his research was not statistically sound. However, his experiment still flourished and the idea grew popular in Japan. It was so famous that his research was adopted by the militarist government in order to breed ideal soldiers based only on their blood type. However, the idea quickly died down in the 1930s due to lack of sufficient data.
In the 1970s, the idea resurfaced when Masahiko Nomi published a book about the correlation between blood type and personality traits. A journalist with zero medical background, Nomi was highly criticized by a number of Japanese psychologists at the time. While he only graduated from the engineering department of the University of Tokyo instead of holding a medical degree, Nomi still pursued the theory and even provided statistically sound data in several fields. He published more books using these results. Still, many believed that Nomi’s writings were not entirely correct and his methodologies unclear, which makes his conclusions questionable.
Despite the criticism, his books remained popular. After passing away in the year 1981, his son Toshitaka Nomi continued and promoted the idea by publishing another series of books. The younger Nomi currently runs the Institute of Blood Type Humanics and later on established the Human Science ABO Center in the year 2004 to facilitate further research of this theory.
Significance of Blood Types Starting from Kindergarten

While the blood type of a person may seem unimportant in terms of everyday living, the same cannot be said in Japan. Beginning in kindergarten, some schools have already adapted a method of teaching based on the blood type of its students. Classes are separated by blood type and teaching methods are based on the group to be taught. Identifying based on blood type has become the norm in the country. Students from high school and university asking for each other’s blood type is typical and similar to teenagers in the west asking for another person’s star sign or zodiac sign.
At least 90% of the population of Japan knows their own blood type. Their blood type is somehow like a zodiac sign for other people. There are even daytime TV shows that provide “blood horoscopes” to viewers. The idea is even integrated into various items such as chewing gums and calendars. Even with sports, blood type is also considered. With baseball being a major sport in the country, there are Japanese baseball cards that show the blood type of every player. In addition, this theory was also utilized by the Japanese women’s softball team. Every player’s training was customized based on their blood type. Surprisingly, the team won gold at the Olympics in Beijing, which only reinforced the idea that the correlation must be true.
The idea is so popular that four books based on this theory reached the top 10 best-selling books in the country in the year 2008. These four books were “Instruction Manual for People with Type A Blood”, “Instruction Manual for People with Type B Blood”, “Instruction Manual for People with Type AB Blood”, and “Instruction Manual for People with Type O Blood”, selling at least five million copies nationwide. Blood type soft drinks are also quite well-known, especially by school girls. Lemon-flavored soft drinks cater to blood type A consumers because the vitamin C and calcium would calm their tense nerves. Soft drinks that cater to blood type B consumers supposedly increase their “mental stamina” because of how much brainpower they use due to curiosity. As for people with blood type AB, banana-flavored soft drinks are made especially for them because of the extra magnesium that would reduce the amount of stress that they have. Last but certainly not the least, apple-flavored drinks cater to consumers with blood type O as these contain multivitamins that would aid in burning energy more efficiently.
Dating services also utilize the concept of the blood type and personality relationship. They say that the idea helps them find potential matches better. Furthermore, there are also blood type condoms that partners can use to avoid pregnancy. With approximately two billion of these being sold every year, one can only imagine how many couples believe in the idea. The differences among the condoms vary in texture, with Type A being thin, Type B being ribbed, and Type AB being covered with diamond-shaped studs. These condoms may also come along with pieces of advice on how to get along with a partner of another blood type. An example would be that type O consumers are advised to be tolerant towards the selfishness of type AB women, though they are “a hot love.”
Different Blood Types: Percentage, Traits, Jobs, and Diet

There are four basic blood types characterized only by letters, namely, A, B, AB, and O. Each blood type has its own best and worst traits in a person, along with the ideal jobs for that person based on those traits. Furthermore, there is also a specific diet that should be followed based on the blood type of the person. The first blood type is blood type A. Composing 38% of the population in Japan, individuals with blood type A are also called The Farmers. This is because it is believed that the root of this blood type is the agricultural people. United in working on farms is said to have developed the personality traits of this blood type. Described as well-organized or kichōmen in Japanese, some of their best traits include being conservative, responsible, patient, calm, reserved, and punctual. On the other hand, some of their worst traits include being obsessive, sensitive, self-conscious, over cautious, stubborn, and uptight. Ideal jobs for people with blood type A are accountant, librarian, attorney, economist, and writer or novelist. Diet for these individuals ideally should include miso and natto as these foods offer protein that is easily digested. Raw fish would also be great as compared to cooked. Some famous people with blood type A are George H.W. Bush, Britney Spears, Adolf Hitler, Richard Nixon, Jet Li, and Maki Nomiya.
The second blood type is blood type B. Composing 22% of the population in Japan, individuals with blood type B are also called The Hunters. This is because it is believed that the root of this blood type is the nomadic people. Roaming from one place to another is said to have developed the personality traits of this blood type. Described as selfish or jikochū in Japanese, some of their best traits include being creative, free-spirited, optimistic, flexible, passionate, and loving. On the other hand, some of their worst traits include being forgetful, self-centered, indecisive, critical, and irresponsible. Ideal jobs for people with blood type B are detective, journalist, artist, crafts person, and psychiatrist. Diet for these individuals ideally should include foods that fight against slow-growing viral infections such as lupus, MS, and chronic fatigue. Some famous people with blood type B are Jack Nicholson, Tom Selleck, Paul McCartney, Mia Farrow, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Akira Kurosawa.
The third blood type is blood type AB. Composing 10% of the population in Japan, individuals with blood type AB are also called The Humanists. Being a combination of both A and B, they are the rarest in the world and are quite hard to find. Described as eccentric or kawarimono in Japanese, some of their best traits include being cool, highly organized, rational, and empathic. On the other hand, some of their worst traits include being aloof, indecisive, critical, unforgiving, and impatient. Ideal jobs for people with blood type AB are company manager, negotiator, teacher, attorney, and public relations. Diet for these individuals depends if they are more A-like or B-like. Nonetheless, they are prone to high stress levels; hence, digesting foods that counter that would be great. Some famous people with blood type AB are Mao Zedong, Marilyn Monroe, Thomas Edison, Jackie Chan, John F. Kennedy, and Ken Kitamura.
The fourth blood type is blood type O. Composing 30% of the population in Japan, individuals with blood type O are also called The Warriors. Described as optimistic or rakkanshugi in Japanese, some of their best traits include being outgoing, self-confident, passionate, social, ambitious, and goal-oriented. On the other hand, some of their worst traits include being arrogant, insensitive, jealous, vain, and sometimes ruthless. Ideal jobs for people with blood type O are accountant, politician, businessperson, therapist, and minister. While they generally have strong immune systems, their diet should include foods that encourage blood flow; hence, exercise would also aid them in maintaining a healthy body. Some famous people with blood type O are Ronald Reagan, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Queen Elizabeth, Al Capone, and Crystal Kay.
Personality Compatibility: Who is Best for You?

Because Japanese people highly regard blood type as part of their individuality, most of them check the blood type of their partners in order to gauge their compatibility. Couples both with blood type A would be affectionate and empathetic with each other because they have the same personalities. However, because both have the same intensity, it may cause a rift between the two from time to time. Couples with blood types A and O have highly different personalities. An example of this is that type A people tend to be sensitive while type O people are the exact opposite. While both may try to cover their partner’s weaknesses, the vast difference between their two personalities may cause a strain in their relationship. Couples with blood types A and B are not exactly ideal. Type A people may envy the outgoing personality of type B people while the latter may find the former’s loving personality a bit intrusive. Couples with blood type A or B and AB depend on whether the type AB person leans more on the A or the B personality. Couples both with blood type O would have an honest and open relationship though they may sometimes clash due to competitiveness. Couples with blood types O and B make a great pair, as type O people are patient and supportive of type B people’s outgoing personality. Couples with blood types O and AB may get a bit complicated due to type AB’s personality but resiliency and support from type O can help the relationship sail through the troubles. Couples both with blood type B can either be the best or the worst pair depending on how their preferences fit each other. Couples both with blood type AB are quite rare, but they make a good pair because they understand and relate to each other’s unique personalities.
No matter what blood type one has flowing in his or her body, what is most important is the heart of the individual. Being a good person, at the end of the day, is what truly matters. Showing kindness and understanding to one another and living harmoniously despite having different blood types and personalities is what is most significant.