One of the many happy events in the country of Japan is their festivals. There are numerous festivals that the Japanese hold and celebrate every single year. Truly, they find great joys in so many things. Furthermore, their festivals also have their own rich history and tradition. During these festivals, the locals in Japan perform certain traditional Japanese ceremonies and performance to the delight of the crowd. There are also certain customs that come along with specific festivals. One of the more notable festivals in all of Japan is the Tanabata.
Reviving History in 2017: How Tanabata Began

Directly translating to “Evening of the Seventh,” the Tanabata is a Japanese festival that hails all the way from the Qixi Festival of China. Also known as the Star Festival, the Tanabata commemorates the meeting of two deities by the names of Orihime and Hikoboshi. These two deities are represented by two stars: Vega for Orihime and Altair for Hikoboshi. There is also a legend surrounding the Tanabata. It is said that the Milky Way separated these two stars that were also lovers. They were only allowed to meet each other once every year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar. Evidently, this is where the idea of the name “Tanabata” originated.
Different parts of Japan celebrate Tanabata on different days. However, the initial festivities usually start on the 7th of July of the Gregorian calendar. Then, the festivals are held on different days, spanning between the month of July and the month of August. The Tanabata is one of the most celebrated festivals in all of Japan.
This festival began in the year 755 when Empress Koken introduced Tanabata to Japan. The idea originated from “The Festival to Plead for Skills,” just a different name for Qixi, which was a festivity back in the land of China. This festival was later on adopted in the Kyoto Imperial Palace since the beginning of the Heian period.
It was during the early parts of the Edo period that the popularity of the Star Festival, also known as Tanabata, grew and spread amongst the general public of Japan. Many a person started to recognize Tanabata when it was mixed with several Obon or Bon traditions. This mixing was due to the fact that Bon festivities were held on the 15th of the seventh month, which was near the date of the Tanabata. From its growing popularity, the Tanabata grew to have its own festival recognized and celebrated by the Japanese.
Different customs were made during the Tanabata though this depends on the region of Japan. Typically, young girls would make wishes in reference to better sewing and craftsmanship while young boys would make wishes in reference to better handwriting, which was to be achieved by writing wishes on paper strips. Because many things were yet to be developed at the time, the wishes were written using dew left on taro leaves to make the ink. By incident, Bon festivities are now held on the 15th of August in the solar calendar, which is quite close to its original date in the lunar calendar. This has officially made Bon and Tanabata two separate festivals.
The Love Story Behind Tanabata

The Tanabata was based on a sad love story. They say that the festival was inspired by a famous folklore story from the land of China. This Chinese folklore story was known as “The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd.” There were some versions of this story that was included in the Man’yoshu, which is the most ancient extant collection of poetry in Japan. Nonetheless, there is one popular version of the story that many people believe to be the basis of Tanabata.
The story begins with Orihime, also known as the Weaving Princess. A daughter of the Tentei, who is the Sky King or basically the universe itself, Orihime wove exquisite clothes by the bank of the Amanogawa. Literally translating to “heavenly river,
Amanogawa stands for the Milky Way. It is said that Tentei loved the cloths that Orihime weaved, and so she worked hard every single day to weave cloths and please her father. Sadly, due to this continuous work, Orihime is saddened by the fact that she is not able to meet anyone and ever fall in love in the process.
Having known of this sadness of his daughter, Tentei was concerned about Orihime. Hence, he came up with an idea, which is to arrange for Orihime to meet Hikoboshi, the Cowman or Cowherd Star. Literally translating to “Boy Star,” Hikoboshi’s home and workplace were on the other side of the Amanogawa. Despite the distance, Orihime and Hikoboshi instantly fell in love with each other when they met.
Shortly after, the couple married each other and lived a happy, married life for a while. However, once they were married, the couple no longer did their original duties. Orihime ceased to weave cloths for Tentei while Hikoboshi would allow his cows to stray and spread all over Heaven. Tentei was not pleased with this arrangement at all. Filled with anger, Tentei decided to separate Orihime and Hikoboshi across the Amanogawa. Meeting each other was also forbidden for the two lovers.
Heartbroken, Orihime started to become despondent as she had lost her husband. She begged for her father Tentei to allow her and her husband to meet again. Moved by the tears of Orihime but still aware of the responsibilities of the lovers, Tentei decided to allow them to meet again but only for a single day every year. On the 7th day of the 7th month, the two lovers were allowed to meet if Orihime continued and finished her weaving.
However, when Orihime and Hikoboshi tried to meet again for the first time after they were separated, they realized that they could not cross the river that separates them because there was no bridge in existence. Deeply saddened by the thought of never seeing her husband again, Orihime cried and cried until a flock of magpies came. This flock of magpies promised to create a bridge with the use of their wings in order to help Orihime cross the river and meet her husband once every year. However, it is also said if it rains on Tanabata, it would mean that the magpies cannot come and help Orihime. Hence, the two lovers would have to wait for another year to be in each other’s arms again.
In a different version of the story, both Orihime and Hikoboshi were referred to by other names. Orihime may also be known as Me-Tanabata-sama; Asagao-hime , which translates to "Morning Glory Princess"); Ito-ori-hime, which translates to "Thread-Weaving Princess"; Momoko-hime, which translates to "Peach-Child Princess"; Takimono-hime, which translates to "Incense Princess"; or Sasagani-hime, which translates to "Spider Princess." On the other hand, Hikoboshi may also be known as either Kaiboshi or Kengyu.
Traditions, Trees, Songs, and Wishes Made During the Star Festival

There are various customs and traditions that the locals adhere to during the Star Festival. Generally, the Japanese people write wishes on this special occasion. This can be done in the form of poetry or on tanzaku, which are small pieces of paper. After writing their wishes, the Japanese would hang these on bamboo along with other decorations. Where these wishes are hung is known as the Wish Tree. As the name suggests, it is basically a tree of some sort with wishes as leaves.
The tree, along with the decorations and the wishes, is to be set afloat on a river. Either that or the tree is to be burned during the festival, at midnight, or on the following day. This custom is kind of similar to the one done in Obon festivals wherein paper ships and candles are set afloat on a river. There are also other Tanabata customs depending on the area or region, though most of them are associated with local traditions done in Obon festivals.
Another tradition that the locals do during the Tanabata is to sing the traditional Tanabata song. It goes, “Sasa no ha sara-sara, Nokiba ni yureru. Ohoshi-sama kira-kira, Kingin sunago. Goshiki no tanzaku, watashi ga kaita. Ohoshi-sama kirakira, sora kara miteru.” In English, it translates to, “The bamboo leaves rustle, shaking away in the leaves. The stars twinkle on the gold, and silver grains of sand. The five-colour paper strips, I have already written. The stars twinkle, they watch us from heaven.”
Tanabata Festivals: An Event Filled with Food and Konpeito Decorations
Tanabata festivals are held in various dates depending on the region. This is because the original date of the festival was based on the Japanese lunisolar calendar but this is actually one month behind the Gregorian calendar. Because of this, some tanabata festivals are on the 7th of July while others are held a few days around the 7th of August. On the other hand, there are also some Tanabata festivals that are actually held on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month of the traditional Japanese lunisolar calendar, which just happens to be in the month of August following the Gregorian calendar.
Huge Tanabata festivals are typically held along shopping malls and streets of Japan, most of which are decorated with big, vibrant streamers. Out of all the Tanabata festivals held all over Japan, probably the most famous is the Sendai Tanabata Festival, which is held from the 6th to the 8th of August. Another two of the biggest Tanabata festivals are held on the Kanto region, specifically in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa around the 7th of July and in Asagaya, Tokyo held before the beginning of the Obon festivities, which is in mid-August.
Tanabata festivals are also not limited to Japan as other countries now also hold their own Tanabata festivals. Sao Paulo, Brazil holds a Tanabata festival around the first weekend of the month of July while Los Angeles, California holds a Tanabata festival in early August. There are many things that occur during Tanabata festivals such as a Tanabata decoration competition. There may also be parades and contests for Miss Tanabata. Similar to Japanese matsuri, there are also festival vendors and stations in Tanabata festivals that sell food such as noodles and souvenirs and offer carnival games, to add to the festive mood. Tokyo Disneyland also holds their own Tanabata Festival wherein there is a greeting parade that features Mickey Mouse as Altair and Minnie Mouse as Vega.
The Sendai Tanabata Festival
Established during the early Edo period, the Sendai Tanabata Festival is one of the biggest Tanabata festivals in all of Japan. The locals who celebrate the Sendai Tanabata Festival utilize seven kinds of decorations during the festival. The first kind would be paper strips or tanzaku in Japanese, wherein wishes written by hand are made in hopes of a good future to the earth and also serves as a thank you note. The second kind would be paper kimono, also known as kamigoromo in Japanese, which is a paper decoration. The third kind would be paper crane, also known as orizuru in Japanese, which is an origami decoration.
The fourth kind would be a purse, also known as kinchaku in Japanese, which is decorated as it signifies good business. The fifth kind would be a fish net, also known as toami in Japanese, which is a paper decoration in hopes of good fishing. The sixth kind would be a trash bag, also known as kuzukago in Japanese, which is also a paper decoration in hope of cleanliness in the area. The last kind would be streamers, also known as fukinagashi in Japanese, which are tubular in shape and used to celebrate typical Tanabata festivals.
Celebrating any Tanabata festival in general would definitely be something different. Some locals starting planning for festivities in the months of March, April, and June. May it be due to the romanticism of the festival based on the love story of Orihime and Hikoboshi or just the festive mood in general that the celebration offers, one should most certainly try to join a Tanabata festival and its various customs and traditions. This is truly a must-try when visiting the Land of the Sun.